Women’s Group: Rose Lord Returns to Volunteer

Rose Lord has been back again for a three week stint of working with the Women’s Groups of the village. Her first day in town she toured the Ix-canaan Women’s Center with Gloria Mejia, the president of the Ix-canaan group.

They checked out the growth of trees in the Forest Garden that had been planted on Rose’s previous trips.

The women were continuing with the Forest Garden idea by planting edible ground cover like squash and sweet potatoes, as well as lots of medium sized plants indigenous to the area, like sugar cane.

There are a lot of citric trees and many of them, like this sweet orange tree, are beginning to produce a hearty annual crop.

After our tour of the Forest Garden, the women had prepared a delicious lunch to welcome Rose back to the village and to thank her for her ongoing interest in working with them.

The women of the Ix-canaan Women’s Group are incredible cooks and caterers and they treated us to one of their delicious meals.