Scholarships for women and girls

There are a lot of young women in El Remate who have had to give up their studies at a young age, due to logistic issues getting to school and problems paying for their education. There is also an ingrained culture in older generations resulting in fathers not committing to allow their daughters to go to school. Therefore, many women in the village don’t have anything above a sixth-grade education, even though they want more – many have career aspirations that cannot be realized without a full school education.

In 2007, Anne Lossing was approached by a local girl who had put herself through grades seven, eight and nine but couldn’t afford the fees for years ten, eleven and twelve (which in Guatemala are the years where pupils specialize in their chosen areas). She wanted to be a teacher, so she and Anne discussed options. Project Ix-canaan had recently received a small donation that covered the girl’s school fees and so could begin to support her through her final school years. She graduated in 2010 and is now finishing her Masters in education while teaching in two local schools, spreading her expertise and love of learning to the next generation.

Since that first donation, funding local girls and women through their studies has become a large part of the way that Project Ix-canaan supports the local community. Within a year, Anne was able to arrange for six other scholars to be put through school and, by 2017, the project’s incredible donors were supporting 35 scholars (both girls and women) through their education.

The cost of a one-year scholarship is on average $600 (USD). A contributor can either choose to support one young woman throughout her schooling or make a donation to the general Scholarship Fund. Visit our donating page to find out how you can make the difference.