Student Volunteers from North Carolina State University

We just finished our annual visit from a group of students from the North Carolina State University who come to work with Project Ix-canaan on a variety of projects. This year, two different groups merged … the 16 students of the Guatemala Medical Leadership Team, and 6 students of Biomedical Engineering.

Asha Nadabar and Mark Herring, group leaders for the Guatemala Medical Leadership Team, work with Enrique to open the boxes of medicines that the students purchased and brought with them to help restock the Ix-canaan pharmacy.

Sarah Lynch was leader of the 6 member group of Bioengineering students. This group had decided to focus on gathering information to help them in the development of an infant respiration monitor to alert caregivers when “at-risk” babies stop breathing.

The two groups spent their first day doing a tour of Project Ix-canaan,

and helping to put away the medicines,

then had lunch at the Ix-canaan Women’s Center.

where our appetites were slaked with their famous tamales served with tostadas topped with their incredibly tasty bean salad. Dessert was Doña Juana’s delicious ramon cake (sorry, i didn’t get a photo).
In the afternoon, the group went to zipline through the jungle canopy at Ruta del Mono Canopy Tour.