Saira Graduates

Saira has been one of our Scholarship Students for the last 3 years. She entered the program at the beginning of grade 7 as the young mother of 3 school aged children, and at the end of December, 2011, she proudly graduated from Junior High School. Saira had been forced to leave school at the end of grade 6 like most of the village girls her age … not only was there not enough money to afford it, but there was no grade 7 here in the village, and she would have been forced to travel to another village every day, a situation that was not tenable in those years. She had given up all hope of continuing her education until funds became available through the Project Ix-canaan Scholarship Fund. She has been so motivated by her academic success, that this year Saira, on her own initiative, entered Grade 10 Teachers Program in the new I.N.E.D. Academy, a public high school that has just opened here in the village. She is in the same class as her oldest daughter, and they are excitedly planning to graduate together as teachers in 2014. A dream come true and a life radically changed directions … thanks to all the donators to the Project Ix-canaan Scholarship Fund.
It is no secret that educating women raises their self-esteem and improves the life of the entire family. Please help the women and the social development of a village by donating to the Ix-canaan Scholarship Fund. 100% of donated monies goes to the women’s educations. Our program is personalized and you will be able to follow the lives of the women that you are supporting. Canadian donators will receive a registered Tax Receipt. Click on “Donate” for more information.