Ix-canaan Women’s Group Makes Crepes

After two days of land cleaning, Sylvie shifted the energy completely and put together a class to teach the women how to make crepes. Crepes are a perfect type of food for the women to cook … they are inexpensive, they can be made with a variety of savoury or sweet fillings, and they can be eaten in the hand. They can be a snack or a main course. The elements can be assembled beforehand and ready to heat and assemble for sale on site. The concept is very flexible.

Sylvie began by giving each participant a printed copy of a recipe for crepes for family size or group size. Then, they found a huge container to make the large batch of crepes.

Sylvie put the batter together with lots of attention from the group …

Then everyone took turns mixing up the batter.

Next comes the “testing the griddle” phase as Sylvie drops a couple of drops of water on it to see if they sizzle or not.

When the proper temperature is reached, she shows the women the technique to use to spread and turn the crepe.

She spreads the first batch with Dulce de Leche (Caramel), cuts it up, and everybody gets to try a quick bite.

Then the women take turns practicing cooking more crepes … here are Doña Nico and Doña Blanca.

In no time at all, they had accumulated a huge pile of Crepes.

Meanwhile, the tomato / cilantro mixture has been simmering on the back of the stove and is now ready to use as a topping on the savoury crepes.

A cooked crepe is placed on the griddle and an egg is broken on the top and smoothed around …

As the egg cooks, Sylvie crumpled queso fresco (local white cheese) over the top …

she topped that with a generous dollop of the cooked tomato mixture …

And folded the whole thing into a small packet. DELICIOUS!!

She followed up the savoury crepes with a variety of sweet ones that are fast, easy and inexpensive to produce … like this one of banana, sugar and lime …

Dulce de leche (caramel) …

Or Dulce de leche with bananas and papaya.

The idea is that the women will now find the way to market these to augment their household income.