Ix-canaan Reading Club
One of the greatest changes I have seen in the local children since Margo and Alex have been running regular classes in the library, is in their desire to read. When we first opened the library, the children had absolutely no interest in the books and would never have thought to pick one up to read. Now, however, they are at the door when it opens in the afternoon to begin their daily reading session.
Margo has created a system to keep track of the books that each child reads, and they are always thrilled to be able to add another sticker to their book list.
The children have also begun to talk about books and to recommend books to each other.
Each Friday afternoon, Alex has each child draw a picture relating to the book they have just read, and they discuss them together.
Many of the children have developed such a love of reading, that they begged to be able to take a book home in the evening to read instead of watching television!!
The kids have become such avid readers that we are rapidly running out of books appropriate to their age level …. if you would like to support our reading program and have access to Spanish language books for pre-teens and teens, please send them along!!
It is easy to see that these children, who have absolutely no previous experience of literature … even through their schools … are fast becoming immersed in their new habit of reading.
It would be quite realistic to say that these children are amongst the very very few in the region who have and use daily access to books.
We have already bought a copy of all the books that are available in Peten … we would really appreciate help in obtaining more Spanish language books for this incredibly valuable program.