Dentistry for All Comes to El Remate

Each year the dental group Dentistry for All comes to El Remate to work meeting the dental needs of the people of this entire area. They usually stay for one week, so we were all very happy to find that this year they were able to be here for a second week as well.

Each day the patients line up from well before dawn to get their names on a list for the day.

Dr. Brad Krusky, a paediatric dentist from Calgary, Alberta, coordinates the Dentistry for All journeys to Guatemala each year.

Dentists from all over North America volunteer their time.

The dentists work hard in hot crowded conditions for 5 days, then travel for two and set up in their next location.

The team brings all of their equipment and portable dental chairs with them.

They do as many extractions, fillings, cleanings and sometimes much more complicated procedures as their time will allow.

The crowds are fed throughout the day by neighbours who are quick to take advantage of the large groups of people, many of whom are around for hours.

Women spend many hours during the night cooking and packing up enchiladas, burritos, tostadas or other snacks, then sit all day in the sun to sell and make as much as they can over the week.