Dental Health for El Remate
Dentistry for All and Project Ix-canaan have expanded their partnership with a program to bring more extensive dental health to El Remate. Alex, who has worked for several years in the Ix-canaan library, has been hired to run the El Remate Dental Health Program.

Dentistry for All has been coming to the village for 1 or 2 weeks every spring to do cleanings, fillings and extractions for more than 350 people per week. With this expansion to the program, Alex will be going into the schools and groups around the village throughout the year, educating the kids and minimising their chances of future problems.
Alex’s “charla” in the schools begins with a talk about dental health …

And he does a fluoride treatment.

During the year, Alex will be taking note of the many cases that need more extensive dental work so they can be present during the week the dentists are here working.

We are all really excited about this expansion to our health programs and planning for a future that contains a new Dental Clinic to house the new Dental Program!!
My husband is a dentist and we would like to know more about volunteer opportunities.