Creating Quetzalcoatl, The Feathered Serpent

Last week we were visited by a group called Gueyk Up, who are travelling around Central America painting with kids … and they wanted to know if they could do a mural with the kids on the outside wall of the Ix-canaan Library. We happily agreed.
The afternoon began with Christopher drawing the outline of a Feathered Serpent on the wall of the library while The Beatles blasted from an i-pod, lending an air of festivity and fun.

Then, he mixed up paints in used plastic bottles …

And passed them out to the kids … giving each one general instructions about their part of the painting.

Slowly the details started to emerge …

Everybody had a part to paint …

The painters had also brought a large loaf of fresh banana bread that Ashley and Mary passed out to the kids as they worked …


And the finished mural … a masterpiece for sure!!

Thanks! to Christopher, Maik and Packo of Guek Up!!