Cement Floor Program: Team 5

Team 5 built a cement floor in one half of this home. Most homes consist of a completely closed room (often no windows for better security) where the family sleeps, and another open room where they cook and eat. Many of the homes are not watertight and when it rains, the water runs right across their bedroom floors.

They mixed the cement right in front of the building.

Everyone took turns carrying the cement mixture into the house and spreading it smooth.

Notice the holes in the walls where the rain runs in during wet weather.

Doña Nela, the home owner, poses in front of the half finished floor as her sons work on either side.

This floor was larger than the 12 square meter size that we normally do, and a small part was left on one end. Team 5 left the funding so the family can finish off this last piece. (photos to come).

The 4 members of team 5 pose with the family and with Beto (far right), the albañil who worked with them on this job.