Category: Blog
Stringing Beads
The kids loved stringing beads to make their own necklaces.
Making Beads
After the children saw how much fun it was to string beads, they were really looking forward to actually MAKING their own beads. Each child was given some play dough,…
New Volunteers
I recently received an unexpected e-mail from Marilyn Baeza Ponce from Chile and Joe Golinveaux from California who were travelling through the area and wanted to spend some time volunteering.…
Bill Bevan Volunteers
Bill Bevan, Georgia’s partner and photographer/archeologist/guide in the Peak District, England (see for more information on this interesting area), has been helping the village to prepare for Festival Unificacion…
Play Dough
There has been a bit of a gap in blogging while our satelite system has been down, so I have lots of pictures of things the kids have been doing…
Yoga to Begin Each Day
Each day’s classes begin with some basic yoga exercises. The kids enjoy them very much.
Preparing for Exams
Adelaida has been in the library every afternoon recently, studying and practicing for her upcoming exams.