Stopping Time in the Jungle
What strange thing do you notice about these clocks? Except for the one at the top (which is still going), they are all stopped at a different time. And all…
What strange thing do you notice about these clocks? Except for the one at the top (which is still going), they are all stopped at a different time. And all…
The Women’s Group has cleaned and fenced their property and, using several old planks balanced on rocks, have created their “meeting circle” in the middle of a grove of trees.…
Tzolkin looks out between the slats of the fence at all the comings and goings of the neighborhood.
On Thursday, the entire group of women jammed themselves into the double cab pick-up truck of the manager of ProPeten’s local initiatives program, and they all headed to Socotzal, another…
I have a ton of things to blog about … which means that I have NO TIME TO BLOG!! It is one of those Catch 22’s … the more things…
On top of the main temple of Topoxte, we met 3 workers doing restoration work. One of them, Rudy Arias (shown here with Enrique), had had his larynx removed about…
A couple of days ago we went to Topoxte … the Post Classic Mayan site just across the lake from Yaxha. I will be posting some photos and info over…
Fishing in Lake Peten Itza
Our new godson, Isaac brought his dad over last night so we could all watch the first episode of Survivor Guatemala, which we had seen advertised to be shown here…
Sunrise in El Remate