Building a City

Nobody knows exactly how it happened or if one of the kids in particular stimulated the process …

During Creative Play Time at the end of the afternoon library program, the children would always break up into groups that each had their own favourite activity. This group above is playing with the blocks and the dollhouse furniture.

And on this end of the patio, the children are using the wooden train set …

While another group in the middle is making roads to drive their cars and trucks …

When suddenly, one day last week, all the groups decided to merge their activities and create a city!!

Their city even has a zoo! (see the Barrel of Monkeys in right corner?)

They used the building blocks with sticks to create a monkey cage for the Barrel of Monkeys!

Another day they created a farm on one side of the zoo.

They have now begun building houses and businesses during their Craft Period earlier in the day.

Each time they come they are developing their city even more, and learning that it is only possible by bringing together everyone with their ideas and their skills and their interests.