A Day at the Ix-canaan Library

Every afternoon, between 15 and 25 children attend the afternoon program of Project Ix-canaan that is coordinated and taught by volunteer Margo van der Sluys and library-manager Alex Morales. We welcome any volunteers who are willing to work with the children … and we are always happy to receive donations of books in Spanish, games, building blocks, dinky cars and doll house furniture.

Reading is high on the list of the daily activities and all the children begin their afternoon with a book. We are now loaning books out on a weekly basis and need more books to keep up with the demand, especially since we are just beginning a book-loan program through the N.U.F.E.D. school.

On this particular day, several of the children chose to work with Alex to learn how to make paper roses. Almost every day the children are able to choose to do a craft project.

There are always some young girls who prefer to play with the doll house furniture … arranging and rearranging tirelessly.

The boys love the dinky cars, and, like the girls with the doll house, would play with them all afternoon!