Celebration and House Blessings

On Sunday, October 9th, the Women’s Group gathered around the circle they have created in a grove of trees on their property at the top of the hill to celebrate the immanent construction of a thatched roof on their land Talks were concluded with the building contractor, Santos Melendez, who will commence construction on Friday. Rose and Martha Luz sign the contract on behalf of Global Coalition for Peace. When the formalities of the contract signing were over, Doña Blanca began serving the tamales for our celebratory dinner. The women had made this delicious batch of tamales from hearts of palm with a bit of potato. The children were lined up first to be served … each one with a leaf to use as a plate.As the short twilight becomes night, we gather around the incense-filled sacred fire in ceremony to ask blessings on the site that has been chosen, on the construction of the new building, the activities that will take place within it, and the women who will be its occupants and caretakers.

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